Dina Foxx 2

Digital Emmy-Winning Second Event of ZDF-Series Dina Foxx. (Co-) Created, co-written and directed by Max Zeitler, it premiered in 2011 on ZDF with “Rescue Dina Foxx!”. The sequel, “Deadly Contact”, was aired in November 2014.
Short facts:
Case Study
Dina Foxx Trailer
2 x 43 mins each
7 parts each 2-6 Minutes
Match-3 game
360º Investigation
7 Interactive 360° videos and illustrations with 70 riddles
iOS, Android
Max Zeitler
Director, Co-Writer, Concept-Coordination (Showrunner)
Dina Foxx on IMDb
Several excerpts from the movie and web series are right here:
Vimeo as well as 360º Video
International Digtal Emmy Award 2015
Category: Digital Program Fiction
36. The Telly Awards (2015)
Category: Category: Non-Broadcast Productions & TV Programs, Segments, or Promotional Pieces
Banff World Media Festival 2015
Rockie Category: Interactive Fiction
Interactive Media Awards 2015
Category: Entertainment (Outstanding Achievement)

Dina Foxx 2

consists of two 45 minute films which framed the event on TV, and an online week in between. There users can enjoy three additional formats: a simple web series for leanback users; a match-3 casual game for those who want to play, and a collection of interactive 360° videos for heavy investigators. You can watch the whole experience at dinafoxx.zdf.de or with the Dina Foxx-app for iOS or Android.

Film 1

The first TV film introduces you to Dina and the drama of a rapidly spreading epidemic in Berlin. The outbreak begins when Dina’s brother Aaron falls into a coma after her birthday party and then a series of other victims begin to die or fall ill. At first doctors presume the outbreak to be drug-related but Dina increasingly suspects it might be related to a new genetically modified tomato that is supposed to be beneficial against cancer. When she realises that the general public need to be warned, a mysterious stranger intervenes to stop her…

In the subsequent online part users are presented with three options:

1. Who is the Stranger? – in the web series:

In seven parts (about 30 minutes all together) we follow Dina into an industrial cellar and enter a rough and dirty interrogation between Dina and a stranger who claims to be a friend of her father’s. The narrative is woven into the same timeline as the TV-plot. Watching the online series you lead you to see the second TV film with different eyes.

2. Fight the Epidemic! – in the casual game:

Kilian, the scientist, invites us to join his bio-hacking community to help discover (and fight) the virus. It’s an easily accessible and mobile match-3 game that takes you into the microscopic atmosphere of fluid cell-nuclei and biobricks (DNA building bricks).

3. Find the Truth! – in the 360° investigation:

The most interactive part of Dina Foxx comes with Jason’s own investigation. We can join him in his effort to find out the truth by visiting seven 360° scenes – part video, part illustration. Mobile users can change their perspective in the 360° sets by moving their smartphones or tablets. Each video contains vital clues that lead to a total of 62 riddles successively uncovering the whole truth.

Film 2

The story concludes on TV with a showdown between political activists and the genfood company, and brother Aaron’s recovery. But when Dina wants to talk to him, he jumps into a black limousine and is driven away.

Jason pulls up, whispers something to Dina. What she hears is clearly disturbing. She breaks into a run, suggesting that story will yet continue…

Online-users already know what Jason has told her and can piece the puzzle together. TV-users can now go online and find out what really happened…